What I wish to address is the inarguable fact that we are nearing the unavoidable repetition of history. I am talking about another revolution; another Civil War. I would also like to try to describe the Christian's role, rather, what it should be, in such a devastating, incomprehensible situation. Are we as Christians to idly stand by and let the evil benefactors have their way with our families and our morality? Are we to lay down our arms and let this tyrannical, convoluted, poor excuse for "authority" overcome our [founded on God and the Bible] government, take control of and enslave or murder dissenters? Or, should we fight for our God-given Human Rights and our "One Nation Under God" and once again evade the slave-minded monarchs of Europe?
Killing & Murder Defined
I am very interested in language and words. We use words throughout every day of our lives, but never stop to actually consider the implications of the words we speak or think. Most often, we use words without knowledge of their literal meanings, but figurative slang is commonplace and is no cause for concern. I disagree. Let's define the two words alleged to mean taking another man[kind]'s life. We are defining the verbiage as the noun usage is a bit out of context for this subject matter.
verb (used with object) 1. to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, butcher; hang, electrocute,behead, guillotine, strangle, garrote; assassinate. 2. to destroy; do away with; extinguish: His response killed our hopes. 3. to destroy or neutralize the active qualities of: to kill an odor. 4. to spoil the effect of: His extra brushwork killed the painting. 5. to cause (time) to be consumed with seeming rapidity or with a minimum of boredom, especially by engaging in some easy activity or amusement of passing interest: I had to kill three hours before plane time.
mur·der [mur-der]
verb (used with object) 4. Law. to kill by an act constituting murder. 5. to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously. 6. to spoil or mar by bad performance, representation, pronunciation, etc.: The tenor murdered the aria.
The differences between the two words should immediately stand out to you at this point. The biggest differences I could see from observations were that killing seems to be related to the act of taking a life. This could include a animal for the use of food for a human being. Conversely, murder is to kill with ill intents (inhumanely or barbarously). It is also an act constituted by some form of law or another. I can see the differences here, but the etymology interests me too. Where do these words first appear in humanity's historical record?
kill (v.)c.1200, "to strike, hit, beat, knock;" c.1300, "to deprive of life," perhaps from an unrecorded variant of Old English cwellan "to kill" (see quell), but the earliest sense suggests otherwise. Sense in to kill time is from 1728. Related: Killed; killing. Kill-devil, colloquial for "rum," especially if new or of bad quality, is from 1630s.
murder (n.)
c.1300, murdre, from Old English morðor (plural morþras) "secret killing of a person, unlawful killing," also "mortal sin, crime; punishment, torment, misery," from Proto-Germanic *murthra- (cf. Goth maurþr, and, from a variant form of the same root, Old Saxon morth, Old Frisian morth, Old Norsemorð, Middle Dutch moort, Dutch moord, German Mord "murder"), from PIE *mrtro-, from root *mer- "to die" (see mortal (adj.)). The spelling with-d- probably reflects influence of Anglo-French murdre, from Old French mordre, from Medieval Latin murdrum, from the Germanic root.
Viking custom, typical of Germanic, distinguished morð (Old Norse) "secret slaughter," from vig (Old Norse) "slaying." The former involved concealment, or slaying a man by night or when asleep, and was a heinous crime. The latter was not a disgrace, if the killer acknowledged his deed, but he was subject to vengeance or demand for compensation.
Weakened sense of "very unpleasant situation" is from 1878.
murder (v.)![]()
Old English myrðrian, from Proto-Germanic *murthjan (cf. Old High German murdran, German mördren, Gothic maurþjan; see murder (n.)). Related: Murdered; murdering.
I included the noun form of murder because it seems to originate as such because it refers to an unlawful act not an act in and of itself. Interesting. Now, here's where it counts for me: the Bible. Does the Bible differentiate from the two words? Let's find out!
Contradiction Regarding Killing & Murder in the Bible?
Let's take a look at one of the most criticized excerpts from God's Word by atheists and other theosophists alike. I'm just going to quote all of them here:
Exodus 20 - (New International Version 1984)
13. “You shall not murder.
Leviticus 24 - (New International Version 1984)
17. “‘If anyone takes the life of a human being, he must be put to death. 18. Anyone who takes the life of someone’s animal must make restitution—life for life. 19. If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him: 20. fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured. 21. Whoever kills an animal must make restitution, but whoever kills a man must be put to death. 22. You are to have the same law for the alien and the native-born. I am the LORD your God.’”
Exodus 32 - (New International Version 1984)
27. Then he said to them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” 28. The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. 29. Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”
1 Samuel 6 - (New International Version 1984)
19. But God struck down some of the men of Beth Shemesh, putting seventy of them to death because they had looked into the ark of the LORD. The people mourned because of the heavy blow the LORD had dealt them...
This does not mean the Biblical position on killing is hopelessly contradictory. In fact, according to Daniel, the command to avoid killing in the Ten Commandments is a umbrella statement; this included avoiding every type of killing. But, we must also consider that we do not, rather, should not kill animals brutally and without purpose. We kill animals to eat them. It is a little known fact that we must eat to survive. (Gotta love sarcastic humor.) Another consideration should be that one chapter later in said book (Chpt.21:12-17), there are several injunctions pertaining to capital punishment (permitted for those who, in a premeditated manner, murder another person in malice), kidnapping to sell another person as a slave, or to curse and defame another person's father or mother. It was commonly understood that not all killing is wrong, but those that are subject to the Law and fell into certain qualifications, limits, allowances, and restrictions of the use of the word "kill". Some theosophists would quickly resort to pointing out the presumed ignorant oversight of a contradiction separated by less than one chapter. This notion is astounding to me simply because the oversight is in the readers' suspicion and not of the original Scriptures.
Where is the Contradiction Then?
Glad you asked! If you have read my prior posts titled, "UNITED STATES, INC.", you are aware of the illegally established pseudo-law prevalent in our societal governance. Because our government and the majority of governments around the world have lost touch with our Creator and have displaced His Law with that of a theosophic belief (or disbelief) system which is baseless. In other words, we have buried ourselves in statutory "laws" that pay no regard to our inherent rights given to us by God in Natural Law and its Maxims thus detaching us and hiding from divine authority. The remarkable accuracy and acumen of the Old Testament instructions that were used by the Jewish community for almost 1,500 years, many of which were the basis for the legal codes of modern nations, but have since [for the most part] been abandoned and have been replaced with secular "standards". Like it or not, the contradiction lies in the hypocritical statutory "principles".
Christians, War, & Current Events
So, now we have knowledge that there are certain justifications for killing, but is there justification to kill other men who are illegally and hostile taking over our God-founded nation? I'd venture to say that it is okay and I'd also say that it is our duty as sovereign individuals. We were given the power to create and govern a governing body. I have certainly deeply considered which side, if any, I would fall on in the event another Civil War to procure in our alleged civilized society. Would the outcome be as dismal as I imagine it to be if it were to come to fruition? Or, should I simply take the stance that I have always had and maintain the inactive, defensive role in support and defense of my family? As of now, I choose the latter. My family is my responsibility, but my country is also my responsiblity and I have for too long allowed the bigots and idolaters have free reign and consent to their fraud, thus legitimizing their claims. I want to know you you think. Please comment or personally email me. I am deeply troubled by what seems to be in the future for our country. I want to know what the general consensus may be. Thanks for reading, stay safe, and God bless.