What is Mind Mapping Software?
I have heard about it for quite some time now, but have always passed it off as weird, hippy, metaphysical crap. I saw a video somebody posted on Google+ regarding a Android app and, of course, the screenshot caught my eye. I tried the free version of the software and really liked it, but the $4.99 price was a bit steep for something I wouldn't use too often on my mobile phone.
I found myself scouring the Internet for [free] Linux solutions. I tried two different applications that looked great and had the functionality I desired. First, I tried VYM (View Your Mind) simply because it was high-rated in the Ubuntu Software Center, but found the graphics to be a bit crappy. Don't get me wrong though...it is great software, it just didn't work the way I wanted it to.
After a while of tinkering (see screenshot above), I decided to replicate the same map of United States courts in another application I saw called XMind and, so far, I like XMind a bit more than VYM.
I think I'll stick with XMind for the time being. Not a very big post, but I wanted to express the value I feel this software will bring me in breaking seemingly complex systems and ideas down to a more reasonable, visual level. Give it a whirl! For the record, XMind is also available for Windows and Mac users too: