SSHFS - SSH/SFTP Filesystem
SSHFS is most simply identified as an SSH filesystem supported by the default SSH client file transfer protocol. In fact, this filesystem is so easy to set up, you can do it on the fly without any setup on the server side and the only muck up to you on the client side is almost as simply as logging in via SSH and mounting the filesystem. This is largely based on LUFS (Linux User-land FileSystem), but further extended in functionality.
SSHFS Installation
First and foremost, you will need FUSE2.2 or higher ( and glib2.0 which can be found in most popular Linux distribution repositories already. After you have satisfied the dependencies, you can compile as you normally would:
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
Get started!
It's very simple to get started, actually, simply:
$ sshfs username@hostname:mountpoint # Note: Do NOT use root user!!
$ fusermount -u mountpoint # Umount temporary filesystem